When I was studied in high school, I had joined the Boy Scout which was forced by the Ministry of Education. At the second year, my school assigned location for camping in the natural park where is surrounded with waterfall and caves. I was very exciting because I had stayed overnight outside my home. I chose the best location to pitch a tent for shelter where I took only ten steps to waterfall. The water is very cold that I can steep my soda like steep in refrigerator. I trekked so far to the natural cave, Pha-Tai, where is the ancient cave. Cave structure is horizontal which is full of stalagmite. Because of antique, there are many images of Buddha for traveler to respect. While officer guided in the cave, my friends invited me to go another cave that is opposite this cave, called Bat cave. Unlike the first cave, this structure is vertical. We had three persons with only one flashlight. This cave is totally dark and hard to climb down because it was glissaded with bat excrement. Suddenly, the flashlight was broken and the cave is so complicated. We all had no idea what we wanted to do. I had to pray for the spirit to help us. I wait for a while and then flashlight was working again. I didn’t believe this situation will happened to me that made me scare and unforgettable.
1 comment:
Scary experience! However it sounds very interesting. I would like to visit the Bat Cave.
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