Even if there are many kinds of pet available in market, some people still favor in unusual animals. They try to feed these animals like a pet but they don’t insight their animal behavior enough. Because of uniqueness, they seek for the unusual pet, such as; wild animals, snakes, or ocean animals. In my country, unusual pets are popular and spread to the customer who likes unusual animals. Even though, there has a campaign to against illegal, some merchants still sneak to continue their business. For instance, blue-ring squid is very popular in the pet market. It was brought from the deep sea and its poison is more violent than king cobra and no anti-serum. Some of teenagers were killed by this poison. As a result, Thai government has issued the law for protect illegal wild trade. However, people who want to have unusual pet should learn the animal’s behavior and know how to control them from society. Especially, the pet’s owner should have responsibility by keep them in the privacy area if their pets are endangered.